
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Photo Essay: A Day in the Life

Last weeks rundown of my Monday went over well.  I got some laughs and a lot of how hectic my day was.  After I posted that, I saw this post on baby rabies with a challenge to record an ordinary day with a photo an hour.  She was going to do hers on Wednesday.  I was up to the challenge, but Tuesday we were out all day and the baby had his 2 month appointment, and I didn't have my camera.  Wednesday the rabbit broke his leg.  Thursday I was at CSI again sans baby.  Friday Simon and I went to a meeting at school for most of the day.  Saturday I realized that we just don't have an "ordinary" stay-at-home day.  EVER.  I am back to working and we are just constantly on the go.  So I picked today.  It's as ordinary a day as we get.  You can see Jill's day here, as well as links to mine and other ordinary days in photos.

4:45 am
This is my attempt to take a photo in low light with no flash so as not to wake Simon after he ate.  This was the end of a 6.5 hour stretch and I really wanted to go back to sleep.

7:35 am
When we're actually ready to get up for the day.  Look at Simon in his big boy crib.
 8:30 am
Well some of us were ready to get up. Simon laying with Rob while I take a shower and get dressed.  Don't worry Rob was awake enough to not drop or roll over Simon.

9:30 am
Simon napping in the swing.  Me in front of 4 of the 5 loads of laundry I did yesterday and did not fold. Oh, so much laundry.

On our way to church.

12:15 pm
I meant to take a picture during church, but Simon is on a new eat/wake/nap schedule (thank you 6.5 hours) and I haven't quite figured it out, thus missing the 11 o'clock hour. Here we are with friends after the service during snack time.

1:15 pm
 Time for lunch.

Stuy town to visit friends.

3:45 pm
Playing with friends.

4:45 pm
Walking to Union Square to catch the subway home.

5:25 pm
Waiting at Grand Central.  Weekend trains suck.

Love those baby smiles.  And checking email. Too many student emails that I don't want to deal with tonight.  This is why there is always tomorrow. I"ll stick with the baby smile tonight.

 7:15 pm
Dinner.  Nachos. Yum.

8:10 pm
Bath time.  It's becoming a more regular occurrence as Simon is getting smelly when I don't bathe him often enough. He's starting to tolerate his baths, I wouldn't say he likes them quite yet.

9:10 pm
Pretending to sleep while we watch some football and wait for Simon to wake up for his last feed before going down for the night.

9:30 pm
He's up.  And eating again while I blog.

10:15 pm
Ending the day much like we began.

And here's hoping it actually is the end of the day because tomorrow is Monday and we all learned what Monday is like last week...

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